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We is better than I - how can we be mindful of each other

We is better than I - how can we be mindful of each other
How can we be more mindful of each other?

How can we be more mindful of each other?


Mindful living leads us to be better versions of ourselves and show up in the world as our most authentic selves. Being mindful allows us to be present, for ourselves and for others, embrace kindness and be better people. Once we learn to focus on others along with ourselves, we become more conscious of others thoughts, feelings and actions, and this leads to stronger relationships and safe spaces for people to thrive.


When we keep others in mind, we develop an ability to empathize with varied perceptions – even if they are different from ours. This alone makes it important for us to consider all the ways in which we can learn to be mindful of others around us.


Here are some ways in which we can be more mindful of others at all times

  • Check yourself – Always check in with yourself to see whether your thoughts, actions, or words may negatively impact others? Thoughtfulness is a good way to keep others in mind. Also, it is essential one is to be mindful of others peoples time, energy and resources.
  • Cultivate listening skills – When some is talking to you, ensure that you are really listening. Stay present and engage in the conversation with them. People love to be heard, seen and accepted for who they are. Try and not cut them out mid-sentence or invalidate their feelings.
  • Check in with others – a great way to hold space for better relationships and networks is to stay active. Leave our egos at the door and be the first one to check in on a friend, a colleague, a family member, or anyone who matters. Being the first one that reaches out goes a long way in showing mindfulness and active care towards others.
  • Be kind to strangers – being kind to strangers and those in need is a great practice in giving without any expectation of returns. Being mindful towards people you have never even met before expands our ability to connect with others, offers perspective and live in the present.
  • Love yourself and let that love extend to others – When you develop an ability to be kind to yourself, it allows you to extend that love to others, show affection and understanding towards them.

At MySocially, we truly believe that “We is better that I” – by which we mean that the more we are mindful of others, the more we are collectively able to shift our world. Being mindful and learning to live in the present for ourselves and others, not only improves us as individuals, but makes room for our generosity, trust, respect and empathy to grow and that, can be the seed for many positive changes in our world.

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