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Har Shopper kare duniya behtar

Social Impact

Our Impact Themes

An Equitable world

Creating a world that provides basic necessities for all

An Inclusive world

Creating a world that is inclusive for everyone around us

A Just world

Creating a world where we support those who have been victims of misfortune

A Healthy world

Creating a planet that is healthy for our generations to come


Social Impact Created

Over 5 Recipients

Our Impact Campaigns


Previous Fund

Fighting poverty with Education

Poverty happens by CHANCE not by CHOICE. Who knows where would have been born and landed if not by luck?Join us in our campaign in helping alleviate poverty by investing in educating the kids that need help and allow them to make better CHOICES in their lives for a better future!

We supported Make a Difference

Website: https://makeadiff.in/

Email: contact@makeadiff.in    |    Phone: Not available

Amount Contributed: ₹100.00    |    Payment Date: 2020-04-19    |    Transaction ID: OD/2019-20/18292

More details


Previous Fund

COVID-19 Relief Fund

We have created this fund to fight the after affects of COVD-19 outbreak. Let's support building the economy and supporting the low income group including people struck with poverty and daily wagers. Let's fight COVID-19 TOGETHER and BUILD for the future. 

We supported Nirantar

Website: http://www.nirantar.net/

Email: nirantar.mail@gmail.com    |    Phone: (91-11) 2-696-6334

Amount Contributed: ₹707.30    |    Payment Date: 2021-01-02    |    Transaction ID: 000266365594

More details


Goal: ₹500.00


Let's feed 100 kids with meals at Rs. 5 per meal

37% of India's children are not able to develop and grow properly due to malnutrition and there are close to 10 Crore of Indian children live in extreme poverty-stricken conditions (UNICEF reports). How can we solve this problem? - Let's come together to build a better place for the kids for a better future. Shop with us and create change!

We supported Akshaypatra

Website: https://www.akshayapatra.org/

Email: infodesk@akshayapatra.org   |   Phone: +91 80 3014 3400

More details


Goal: ₹500.00


Empower Women, Empower Humanity

"If India increases its female labour force participation to 50 per cent, it would help boost GDP growth by 1 per cent" - World Bank. Our Women Empowerment Campaign focuses on improving female labor force participation for the Indian economy.

We supported Akshaypatra

Website: https://www.akshayapatra.org/

Email: infodesk@akshayapatra.org   |   Phone: +91 80 3014 3400

More details

Who's leading the change?


27% of total funds

Uttar Pradesh

17% of total funds

Tamil Nadu

16% of total funds


13% of total funds


5% of total funds


5% of total funds

West Bengal

4% of total funds


3% of total funds


2% of total funds


1% of total funds

Andhra Pradesh

1% of total funds


1% of total funds


1% of total funds

Madhya Pradesh

0.9% of total funds


0.5% of total funds


0.5% of total funds


0.2% of total funds


0.2% of total funds

#Har Shopper kare duniya behtar

Top Changemakers

Ruchi Srivastava from Mumbai Arman singh from Lucknow Ananya Chatterjee from Howrah
RAM KUMAR K K from CHENNAI Syed Umar from Chennai Somesh Busi from Hyderabad
Satyam Raut from Gandhinagar Faisal M from Mannarkkad Sandeep SAINI from Kurukshetra
Sushil V from Mumbai Himanshu Gahlot from Pune Sandeep Pol from Navi Mumbai
Sukhmanjeet Singh from Chandigarh Aswin Udayan from Nagercoil Trisha Gupta from Mumbai
Pankush Arora from Greater Noida Sameer More from Thane Rohit Arora from Mumbai
Rishi Shetty from Thane Ravi Reddi from Secunderabad Pakzad Nussirabad from Mumbai

What do we/people have to say?

What is MySocially Fund?

MySocially Fund is a charity fund that has been created by MySocially towards social causes. When a customer makes a purchase at MySocially, we contribute a portion of the order amount into the MySocially fund. We transfer the fund money to chosen beneficiaries towards a social cause once a pre-defined fund amount is generated or when a particular social campaign is complete.

How it Works?

MySocially assigns reward points to each product. When a customer makes a purchase a monetary contribution equal to the reward points is credited to the MySocially Fund.

Who is the Beneficiary?

MySocially Fund beneficiaries are accredited non-profit government organizations that are identified and selected by MySocially via our third party partners based on social sectors chosen by us and the value that these non-profit organizations are creating in their respective field.

What Social Causes are Supported?

We aim at bringing social reforms using the power of the consumer. We select social causes from various disciplines such as poverty, education, healthcare, domestic and sexual violence, social inequality, environmental and some select situation based social cause campaigns. Our customers can vote for particular social causes via our polling mechanism and we use popular vote in additional to our internal selection methodology to choose the beneficiary of the fund.